Shropshire welcomes back Pete Sturgess to lead a FREE CPD Workshop
Topic | ‘England DNA Foundation Phase - Part 2’
Brief | Coaches throughout Shropshire will soon have the opportunity to welcome back Pete Sturgess, FA Foundation Phase Lead Coach, who will deliver a CPD workshop with an update on the ‘England DNA Foundation Phase’.
The Foundation Phase DNA is an exciting resource for grassroots coaches, jam-packed full of ideas, sessions, articles and videos based around the FA Four Corner Model for long-term player development. There are age-specific sections which will be a real benefit to all coaches, but especially those entrusted with the footballing development of our youngest players.
Similar to last year, the evening will consist of a presentation outlining the key messages from the DNA followed by a practical session to demonstrate how this works in coaching scenarios. FYI – Whilst the event is entitled ‘England DNA Foundation Phase Part 2’ you do not need to have attended part 1 to attend part 2. This is Pete’s opportunity to revisit, provide an update on all things related to coaching in the foundation phase from the FA’s point of view as well as provide you with new insight & ideas.
Date | Tuesday 23rd April 2019
Venue | Telford AFC, New Bucks Head Stadium, Watling St, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2NW
Time | 6.30 - 9.30pm
Cost | FREE
Coaching CPD for FA Licensed Coaches – Levels 1, 2 & 3
We strongly encourage coaches to join the FA Hive Learning platform, which is proving to be a valuable learning tool where coaches can learn more around the England DNA, alongside a number of coaching demonstrations and tips for them to use within their grassroots clubs.