Deadline to apply to become an official SSE Wildcats Girls Football Centre is Monday 8th Jan
Following the successful pilot of SSE Wildcats Centres across the country during the 2016/17 season, the opportunity to apply to be part of the programme for the 2017/18 season will open shortly – providing even more groups with a chance to grow girls’ football in their local area.
The application window opens on Friday 1st December and closes on Monday 8th January.
What is an SSE Wildcats Centre?
An SSE Wildcats Centre is an opportunity for girls aged 5-11 to have fun, develop fundamental skills, try a variety of sessions and lay the foundations for a lifelong love of sport. Sessions are delivered by qualified coaches on a weekly basis, either after school or at weekends.
For those participating, the aim is simple; have fun, make friends and play football.
What do Centre’s need to apply?
In the first instance, you need to make contact with SFA Football Development Officer, Eve Bailey via or 01743-362769
An SSE Wildcats Centre must run for a minimum of 16 weeks during the spring/summer of 2018
SSE Wildcats Centre’s must also demonstrate how they plan on attracting a minimum of 30 girls each week, and how the activity will be sustained post funding
All success applications receive £900 start-up grant and 30 Nike footballs
All SSE Wildcats Centre’s must complete registers at each session and upload them to the online system on a weekly basis. This is a crucial part of the funding criteria; failure to upload registers may result in the funding being withdrawn
Participants should reflect the diversity of the population of the local area and organisations should be inclusive of disabled participants
Any organisation that meets the SSE Wildcats Centre criteria can apply
-Application window opens 1st December 2017
-Application window closes 8th January 2018
-Successful Organisations notified 1st February 2018
-SSE Wildcats Centre Training February & March 2018
-National, Regional & Local marketing February & March 2018
-SSE Wildcats Centre startdate W/C 9th April 2018
-FA Girls’ Football Week 23rd -29th April 2018
For further information, including the criteria, funding, training and support provided, the application process are available by downloading this document.
To access the SSE Wildcats Girls’ Football Centre application form click here
For more information, please contact Eve Bailey by emailing or calling 01743-362769